Many people attempt DIY home remedies to tackle bed bug problems before reaching out to a pest control expert. In this article, we’ll explore which of these methods, if any, actually work.
If you’ve spotted any signs of bed bugs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Bed bug infestations can spread rapidly, but the experts at Xceptional Wildlife Removal are ready to eliminate them promptly. Schedule a bed bug inspection today!
Bed Bug Home Remedies: What Works and What Doesn’t
Curious about which home remedies for bed bugs are actually effective? It’s time to separate fact from fiction. In this section, we’ll dive into the truth behind popular methods and help you understand what really works to tackle bed bugs and prevent their spread.
Ultrasonic Devices
Ultrasonic devices are thought to produce high-frequency sound waves that create discomfort for bed bugs, compelling them to vacate the area.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. Similar to many other claims about using ultrasonic devices as pest control remedies, these devices have absolutely no impact on bed bugs. Michael F. Potter, an entomologist from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, states that ultrasonic devices have consistently failed to demonstrate any effectiveness as pest control tools. In fact, he notes, “If anything, I would expect the bugs to utilize them as a haven since they often emit small amounts of heat.”
Baking Soda
Spread baking soda in areas where bed bugs are commonly found, such as on your mattress and around your bed. Leave it for a few days, then vacuum it up and repeat the procedure.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. There is no scientific proof that baking soda is an effective home remedy for dealing with bed bugs. In fact, baking soda dissolves when it comes into contact with water, making the claim that it can absorb the dense fluids on a bed bug’s shell highly debatable. While it might appear to have an impact in some cases, it is not a reliable solution for eliminating a bed bug infestation from your home.
Moth Balls
Scatter a few mothballs in typical bed bug hiding spots, such as under your bed, couch, or other pieces of furniture.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. Research has been carried out to evaluate whether mothballs can effectively combat bed bugs. Changlu Wang and his team at Rutgers University in New Jersey tested this DIY method, and the results revealed that mothballs were unable to eliminate bed bugs after seven days. While 44-60% of the adult bed bugs died, the eggs and nymphs remained.
Wash Bedding
Remove the bedding from your mattress, seal it in a garbage bag, and move it to the washing machine. Wash the bedding at a high temperature of at least 140°F for a minimum of 90 minutes.
Myth or Fact:
Fact. Cleaning your bedding is a proper way to combat bed bugs. Heat is highly effective in killing bed bugs and plays a significant role in our professional bed bug treatment. However, it’s essential to understand that while washing your bedding can be a useful home remedy, it is not a foolproof solution. Although it may reduce the bed bug population in your home, it will not completely eliminate the infestation.
Talcum Powder
There are two common ways people use talcum powder in an attempt to eliminate bed bugs:
- Sprinkle talcum powder in areas where bed bugs are commonly found, such as beneath bedroom furniture. Like baking soda, talcum powder is thought to kill bed bugs by dehydrating them.
- Set up a trap by placing talcum powder in a bowl and positioning it under your bed. The bed bugs can crawl into the bowl, but the talcum powder is believed to make the surface too slippery for them to escape.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. Similar to baking soda, there is no scientific proof that talcum powder eliminates bed bugs by dehydrating them. This is because the powder isn’t abrasive enough to pierce a bed bug’s exoskeleton. While using talcum powder in a bed bug trap may remove a few bugs, it does not solve a bed bug infestation.
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Rubbing Alcohol
Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and apply the solution to areas where bed bugs are often found, such as beneath furniture and along your bed frame.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. The effectiveness depends on the alcohol concentration. In another study by Changlu Wang and his team at Rutgers University, it was found that even after being sprayed with rubbing alcohol, half of the bed bugs survived four days later.
Put infested items, like pillows and comforters, into your freezer.
Myth or Fact:
Fact. Freezing infested items is a reliable home remedy for bed bugs. For this method to work, the freezer must stay at or below 0°F, and the items should remain in the freezer for a minimum of four days. However, like many home remedies, it isn’t a guaranteed fix to completely eliminate bed bugs from your home. Still, it can be an effective way to reduce their numbers while you wait for professional pest control to arrive.
Tea Tree Oil
Mix about 20 drops of tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle and spray the solution onto areas where bed bugs are typically found.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. This home remedy for bed bugs is only somewhat effective when applied directly to the insect and will not completely eliminate a bed bug infestation. Additionally, it is claimed that only undiluted tea tree oil would be effective, but this can be dangerous to both humans and pets, and is NOT recommended.
Dryer Sheets
Tuck scented dryer sheets under your mattress, in cabinets and drawers, beneath sofa cushions, and in any other areas where bed bugs might be present. The belief behind this DIY bed bug solution is that the fragrance of the dryer sheets acts as a repellent to bed bugs.
Myth or Fact:
Myth. There is no scientific proof that dryer sheets effectively repel bed bugs. Even if the scent deters them, bed bugs will typically find a way to bypass the sheets in order to reach their food source.
Clean your home thoroughly with a vacuum, focusing on bed bug hotspots such as under furniture and in the cracks between walls. Afterward, dispose of the vacuum contents in an outdoor trash bin.
Myth or Fact:
Fact. Vacuuming is a useful DIY method for controlling bed bugs. Unlike other home remedies, this technique can help eliminate adult bed bugs, nymphs, and eggs. It’s crucial to empty the vacuum contents into an outdoor trash bin to minimize the risk of reinfestation. However, as with most DIY pest control methods, it would be very difficult to completely remove an infestation from only vacuuming. Because of this, while it can lower their numbers, it’s still recommended to reach out for additional bed bug control.
Diatomaceous Earth
Lightly dust diatomaceous earth along the seams of your mattress, bed frames, and furniture. This bed bug home remedy is thought to work by causing the bugs to dehydrate and die.
Myth or Fact:
Fact. Diatomaceous earth can be an effective DIY treatment for bed bugs, but a few factors determine its success.
- It’s been reported that the amount of diatomaceous earth used plays a role in how well this remedy works. Applying too much can cause the bed bugs to simply avoid it, and excessive exposure can be harmful to your health if inhaled.
- A study featured on the Pest Control Technology website tested diatomaceous earth’s effectiveness in eliminating bed bugs, and the findings revealed that, on its own, it is not a foolproof solution. The most effective method is to use diatomaceous earth in combination with other bed bug control strategies.
Professional Bed Bug Care
The most effective way to eliminate bed bugs is by consulting a pest control expert. At Xceptional Wildlife Removal, we offer eco-friendly solutions to remove bed bugs from your property.
Suspect you have a bed bug infestation? Contact Xceptional today.
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